or use the cash in your bank account to make payments. Having some liquidity also has value.
or use the cash in your bank account to make payments. Having some liquidity also has value.
Or maybe just turn it on when you get home.
It makes sense if everyone wants to show up at 8am.
How do you show this without showing the TAMU player just before causally dribbling the ball down the court and hitting a 3-pointer just before?
I like DST, but if everyone else wants to get rid of it, at least leave us “IN” DST all of the time than out.
Ransom Guide.
Is soccer the only team sport where you are supposed to stop live action if a player from the other team is injured?
Delta’s computers will give out a special beep if you board before your group, however many of the ticket people ignore it unless you got them on a bad day.
Because the teams being affiliated with the school and their Alumni base are the only things that give it value.
Baseball players have the ability to go straight to MLB or go to college. Many choose college because playing college ball has value to them.
Why not get one of those little phone wallets then? That’s what half of the women have in my office.
Just about anyone born in 1903 would be considered racist by today’s standards.
Counting calories once you start a diet is great, but the first step is to count your calories BEFORE you diet. I suggest, as /r/loseit came up with, that you log calories for a week before you start your diet.
The terminus season. Once they got out of there, I was done.
If I had my normal incoulations like everyone did 30+ years ago, do I have anything to worry about this?
I can hardly think of one that isn’t.
no checking
Actually, an AR-15 has to have AT LEAST a 16" barrel to be legal.
Ban anything that is semi-automatic.
Hell, Warcraft 3 is painful to play now.