James Valentine

@Josh Klein: Maybe the status update part? You know, like keep your friends in the "Loop" maybe. Completely guessing at this point tho.

@Norbs: Real or not, it's still hilarious!

@ZachMatthews: It's to get the children to huff more gases. For science.

@Wraithen: First thing I thought when I saw the pic on the frontpage was "Oh, a new thinkpad."

@DWD: I on the other hand would LOVE a keyboard without caps lock. The only time I press that button is accidently, and it's pretty annoying.

@Smeagol92055: If I wanted to watch bad acting while being preached to I would attend a church play. It's not my fault you can't see past your own love of the show to see the point I was making. The general public has no clue what a Romulan is, but most everyone knows what a Klingon is due to pop culture use of the

@starbuck13: it only interacts on a 2-D plane = 25 letters

@Smeagol92055: Lol, I love when trekkies get all defensive about their crappy sci fi :)

@Smeagol92055: No need. The Klingons are more iconic than Romulans. Ask anyone that doesn't watch, or who has only seen one or two Star Trek episodes what a Klingon is, there's a good chance they know. Ask that same person what a Romulan is and they'll give you a funny look. If someone earlier hadn't posted that

@FritzLaurel: No, it's still pretty much fiction. But instead of TV writers coming up with it, it's Mercedes marketing ;)

@FritzLaurel: Meh, it's just a car. Farscape had a star ship that was born, and later, gave birth to a baby star ship. Their idea needs to have a little more pizzazz to get my attention. They're competing with all sorts of cool biotech stuff in tons of science fiction.

I would love to see where this would take the car modding community. Car viruses that would enhance the car at a cellular level? Auto supplement shops like a GNC for your car?

@glenaypia: They aren't innovating anything. They came up with the same idea that's been in science fiction since forever. Farscape was set mostly on a spaceship that was born, the Zerg's technology is all biological and grown. This idea pops up all over the place. It's not like these guys at Mercedes are actually

@38thsignal: A cleaner that vacuums itself? That's one clean cleaner!

@FritzLaurel: How are they following up on it? It's just a concept. It's not like they did any research towards growing anything.

@Batmanuel: That raptor looks like he's rocking a mullet. This makes them about 100x more awesome!

@bjmckenna: He's going into convulsions! Get the doctor in here!

@LombardoJoe: I'm going to buy some and send them to people that hate the idea XD