James Valentine

@NutshotOuroboros: No, actually I don't. Almost any action movie you pick up will have some annoying comic relief sidekick following the main bad ass, and for no other reason than "Well, how do we get people that wanted to see a comedy to pay for tickets to our movie?"

@bokscutter: Better question: why do you need that obnoxious amount of comic relief during an action scene? I would have been fine with completely taking Ruby out of the film as soon as the first bullet was shot, because after that he isn't needed anymore (except, apparently to scream like a jackass)

@coding_hero: "Or a movie with a sentient AI computer who learns to live happily with humans."

@NutshotOuroboros: I didn't really like the Ruby Rod character. He's constantly distracting you from the most epic gun battle scene in the movie because he's screaming like a jackass the entire time.

@bloknayrb: Watch out, I think the glasses are for seeing your girlfriend!

@Foohy: Oh! I didn't realize he didn't direct 28 weeks. I was under the assumption the whole thing was his pet project or something.

@Sirobin: The lettuce doesn't look like that out of the box, it's slopped over everywhere except actually in the burger most of the time.

@wheresmykey: Explain exactly what makes organic foods better than non-organic foods?

28 Days Later was awesome, 28 Weeks, not so much. Honestly, I don't think I would bother to see a 28 Months Later film, after the that last one.

@Jeb_Hoge: "which basically is raw Android 2.1"

Wow, that's really all there is to be said about that. It looks like a scene from a sci fi movie set on another planet.

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: In a decade or two, china is pretty much going to be the only source of some minerals common to manufacturing microchips. We're going to end up having to buy the resources from them eventually anyway...

@dowingba: That 60% profit number probably is also taking into consideration the cost of the research and development, ect. Just a guess.

@Daetaga: I've heard about researchers getting sheep all methed up then tazing the shit out of them. Recently too. Personally I think that it's awesome that animal testing laws allowed that.

@Crrash: Why should he feel bad about the animals? Should he have tested his germ weapons on people instead? You make it sound like he was clubbing puppies cuz the squish sound made him happy.

@NanorH: How many animals do you think scientists have killed testing medicine? Do you think they feel guilty? Animal testing is kind of a part of science. I wouldn't expect him, or any scientist to feel remorse about killing a lab animal. It's not like the guy was ripping out kitten hearts with his teeth.

@Hotline128: They did make a top loading NES eventually, but that thing took up a lot of room vertically because the cartridges were so big. Loaded with a game it was about 1.5x as tall as the old toaster slot.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I never had a broken NES problem either, and I was a little kid back then, so I was pretty rough on it. I didn't even know people had this issue till today actually lol.