James Valentine

@jezz.torrent: Not 1950's, but the Quake marine was not the original space marine by a long shot. id made Doom first :)

@jezz.torrent: Not 1950's, but the Quake marine was not the original space marine by a long shot. id made Doom first :)

Yes, keep Android plain, I don't care about the crappy software the devs at motorola and HTC slapped together from facebooks API. How about spending less time on that crap, and more time on firmware updates, hmmm?

@Dan2593: I don't care where he lived, or the environment he's in. The characters a human, and humans can swim dammit. Even if you don't know how to swim, you don't auto-die when you touch a river. You kick and and flail, and either figure it out, or die. Most humans don't want to die, and tend to figure it out,

@Foohy: No clue where I would swim, I didn't get that far. That happened, I was suddenly reminded about everything awful in Vice City, I stopped playing.

@tedknaz: I'm still looking for a way to cut the dpad out of a PS controller and put it on the 360. My plastic crafting skills are not quite up to par yet.

@retrac: That controller wasn't cheating. Sure it gave you turbo, but the D-pad was horrible!

Every button, right at your finger tips. Sure it takes a little getting used to, but I would love to see more controllers that use THE WHOLE HAND instead of just the thumbs.

@Dan2593: A cowboy is a man, a man can swim. If he died when he entered a bathtub that would be acceptable. A lake or river... not so much.

I realize you're writing this quickly so you can get back to the show, but there are a lot, A LOT, of spelling and grammar errors here.

Bah! Screw you HTC! Why is everyone trying to make a phone that looks like Droid?

@topraman517: Hey, I would rather see Mario's face every where than Hello Kitty. Nintendo can whore away for all I care.

@liftedngifted1: Hell no! That movie sucked! Now I'm going to go back to pretending it never existed.

@CanaryWundaboy: RDR was definitely not as good or fun to play as San Andreas. I don't even see it in the same class as GTA4, because that game was amazing, RDR was... well... I quit playing it after my first encounter with a river.

@Dan2593: How dare Rockstar kill my guy when I STEP INTO WATER!! That's how far I played Red Dead, up until the point I realized I was playing Vice City on a horse. Seriously? What cowboy can't swim? Well designed my ass.

@Sticks Calhoun: Yes, no sun, no movement, but also no propellant, no movement.

@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Laugh all you want, but if I ever get diagnosed with a terminal illness, I'm running out into the woods to get in a fist fight with a grizzly. I would much rather go awesomely than wither away.

@Trench: Lol, I'm picturing a completely silent bag, with a speaker that screams at a hundred decibels when he bag is opened. Booby trapping snacks would be awesome!

@G-Ram: I might just have to go buy a bag and see for myself... or just sit there and annoy the guy at the 7-11 cash register :)