@pixelsnader: OSX Vs. Windows
@pixelsnader: OSX Vs. Windows
@PossibleCabbage: www.youtube.com can teach alot for....free! Plus you can then play the guitar to your friends, instaed of to a TV :-)
@RoboticSpacePenguin: I think you mean "needs an ending" :-)
@tylerf: Same with Canada :-)
@lightninglouie: so...many...drugs...
@SophT: Think of your power bill from running your computer 24/7. I don't know about you, but for me that would would out to be MORE per month than some of these providers.
VOTE: Hostmonster
@Møbius: you can switch the W7 taskbar back...
Probably not their kid :/
#corrections image tag is plain text instead of HTML.
[www.james-harding.com] <— nuff said?
The Pirate Bay
@TheFu: Linux user since tomorrow.
@aec007: vpp; dyptu. nto
@Ray Nath: It would cost as much as a netbook though...not really worth it :-)
@Skunky: I see what you did there ;-)