
Somebody please give this man a tv show!

I wish we lived in a world where this was a pointless invention.

Paper Fan + Cat = No Paper Fan

i pulled up to the club, sitting on baby seal seats with japanese onlookers wishing me whale.

last year, i illegally train hopped from the west bottoms of KC to the northern woodlands of british columbia to see an old friend.....and deliver two kilos of fluffy stuff.


Just like Yellow rice, a red herring used by the pro-GMO camp to make it hard to argue against since who can say that preventing childhood blindness is a bad thing. The problem of course is that Yellow rice and Orange bananas don't actually work to prevent blindness, or at least not on their own. Beta Carotene doesn't

I think I'll wait until the carotene is out of beta...

Yeah this is just another horrible band-aid to try and make money while not addressing the horrible environmental destruction caused by hundreds of years of colonialism and the proceeding wars that have ravaged the area since...but ya know no one wants solutions, just feel good projects....

1. I hardly post on gizmodo

German home entertainment center, 1958.

hopefully we'll have come to our senses before we've advanced enough technologically to reach that water supply.

Why keep calling SOCCER?? when the rest of the World call it Futbol?

Only American astronauts will be playing "soccer". Everyone else will be playing football. And anyway, to paraphrase Gary Lineker - at the end that German astronaut will always win...

Actually is a hotel, it is called Hotel das Cataratas. You can search in Google for its website where you can check the photos.

Definitely a mansion made by coke money. Definitely. No other option.

I am tempted to do this just as a spoiler to throw it a curve as my handwriting is deplorable and nearly unreadable, even by me.

Noooo. Blueberry Piekrete.

Mmmmm.... Piekrete.

I don't know why, but this comes to mind.