
He looks like Katrina from Katrina and the Waves.

Yea I almost threw up reading that. I mean in the baritone range he sounds kind of familiar? But yikes what a comically over the top comparison.

Hahahaha Drew can’t hear.

He LOOKS way more like Freddie than he SOUNDS like him.

You’ll get nothing and like it

Sounds like a game where you might need to group up with people to do anything meaningful. Where community and reputation matter. That’s an MMO I’d play it.

This is pretty funny, considering that, so far as I can tell, nobody at Deadspin has ever written anything that wasn’t negative about Hillary.

Nah, it’s still shitty. She’s saying vulnerable people can’t withdraw their support from the process when it assiduously refuses to represent them.

After watching.

But at least we have Rob to thank that we didn’t waste our time.

I plan on watching this movie and then watching the Supergirl/Flash crossover as a chaser.

I truly believe that no one has the slightest clue whether Griffin is good or not.

Did you purposely leave off the the best two Irish Whiskeys because you didn’t find them, or do you have actual justification for leaving off Green Spot and Midleton?

Imagine being a Leicester City season ticket holder for like 50 years. And then this glorious, improbable, out of this world season happens.

The ghosts of Vinny and Chad have been loosed on us yet again.

We’ve been picking the correct answer for years now. It’s simply: get very drunk on Sunday.

What are you smoking? Jessica Jones was great!

Yeah good point, from here on out, Screamer will only cover World Cup finals.