
I thought he played for the Jets?

You can still hate them. They were moved to action by TMZ.

Brady dosed Welker.

A little love for how hard Coples completely obliterated him.

Those beers, like his pants, are 4x.

I don't know, calling him a reporter seems like a bit of a stretch. The NFL is in the entertainment business, and Schefter is fully ensconced. He's as much a part of the entertainment as anyone in some ways.

It's a sad state of affairs when quite possibly the best thing for this kid is to avoid a season of possible concussions and other injuries in his chosen profession,

You should apply your efforts better. This is a sad attempt at making yourself feel superior to anonymous people on the internet.

* Quoting The Simpsons.

Can someone explain the spelling of Dwyane Wade?

Golovkin's next step is a lurch towards irreparable brain damage and early onset Alzheiemer's. Cool sport.

Tom Jones didn't write that.

That dude has made $25 million. Fuck.

That's some serious whinging there Churchill.

So don't watch it. You're not paying for it.

How about he's an American treasure and worthy of celebration?

What a fucking boss.

Ah, you know a discussion is pointless when the "Soccerier than thou"" card is played.

ZING! At least Bradley's goal against Portugal made the list

Where would you put Ronaldo's piece of brilliance on that list? 165? 150? Many, like you, insist he is the best in the world. Many ranked Portugal as one of the best teams in the world. That was his only goal of the tournament and quite lackluster at that. The best player on one of the best teams should have a better