
I'm pretty sure that's a dude.

Cry him a river he made 287 grand.

Who knew there were so many straight guys in Chelsea?

Well hey Owen, at least Keith or one of his producers (more likely one of his interns) is a reader, so you got that going for ya...

From here forward I declare that when you have to take your girl to the clinic, you're taking her to "Have a Tebow"

To be fair, Mike Golic had no idea what station he was on and, in fact, thought Danica Patrick didn't look as good in person as she does on GoDaddy.

If only Joe Girardi had taught him how to slide...

"I've always found a way to get ticket packages because of the entertaining product the Yankees put on the field, "

This is great news. Haitians will need all the poise they can get.

How can any set of fans be more tortured than those who get beat up by invalids, tasered by aggro midwestern cops and clocked in the head by police barricade legs? Any of those dudes would have loved a stomach punch instead, sports guy.

Tim Lincecum's one word response is "Bowl"

Patrick Ewing wrote his on a one dollar bill but misplaced it on a business trip to Atlanta.

So do you guys wait to break the news of his sex scandal until after his official retirement?

Take the last 12 years worth of winners and you have the cast of "Celebrity Rehab:2018"

@Triple_A_GM: You forgot the charming Philly gal...

Can't wait for him to play for the Yankees.