
I dont use live all that much, I only keep friends on my live.

I saw this last year at future shop. what i don't understand why don't they get smart and do what sony does and just have a system's case up on display, if micrsoft wants it lighted route some LED's into it.

they should of added in with the joysticks on the n64, must create hellish blisters.

I am a racing fan, now is this what the actual in game is going to be going back to the old good need for speed days where you were racing on road's with other motorists and there was police chasing you and everything, or is it going to be like every other need for speed and you are racing on closed course's. cause

I did not know that we still called them Joystick's I thought we had evolved to controllers

so they are preparing everyone for the next story line out of halo?

@eilegz: thats what was thinking...it looks like something that belongs on psp

screw cancer research, i have seen way to many family and friends die from it

working under the harley-davidson name, the motor company will do anything now a days to make money

its a good idea, but I kept on finding all the holes in the maps where you just fall to a black endless screen

We are just heading out to White Castle to grab some burgers.

The Getaway was awsome, I don't know what you are talking about.

why have the never come out with the first season of the power rangers in game form... think of how awesome that would be

"-Multiplayer! Play up to 40 minigames featuring popular Nintendo characters in the bar, including darts, pool, and all the other "sports" that have worked with wild success in the past on with the Wii's innovative technology!"

Sick looking game,

damn this makes me wish my xbox was in my hands, and my hard drive didn't RROD any system it gets attached to

man this makes me wanna pull out my old gameboy and get into some of the games again.

Repost from a year ago?