
My boyfriends birthday was 2 weeks ago, I bought him some “panty off” as he likes to call cologne, but this past weekend he found a gift pack of men’s Stetson which he bought for the memories and has been wearing ever since. It’s horrible, one falling and breaking would be plausible, not too sure how 2 falling will

I’m an Albertan too, I know what you’re saying. The hate being directed towards Notley lately is getting out hand too, she and her staff are getting death threats.

With all the hate directed towards the refugees, I feel some goodwill being shown towards them is world news.

Can’t be bothered to watch, are they opening all the gifts and cheques they asked their fans for?

Yes, and along with that he promised to make the rich pay a little more and is cancelling the tax breaks Harper gave the well off.

Trudeau ran on running a defecit and bringing over the refugees, and won a majority government. You call it grandstanding, most of us call it fulfilling your campaign promises.

Doing drugs in front of the cops isn’t always trouble, once while my then husband was driving down the road I was doing some hash off the cigarette lighter when a cop jumped out in front of us to stop us for speeding. He gave my husband a warning for speeding and after confiscating the rest of my hash, he dropped it

I bought this cookbook at a garage sale a few summers ago, it was a steal at 5o cents.

Many Newfies brought their children up on Carnation milk, my MIL tried to convince me it was the best thing for my babies, lactose intolerant or not.

My 2004 Grand Am is full of surprises. The locks lock and unlock at will, the security light comes on once in awhile which requires me to put the key in the ignition, turn it and wait 1/2 hour until the car starts and the turn signals make the tick tick noise while not turned on. The newest glitch which has happened

I had gotten my first purse, a lavender beauty that matched my outfit. Not knowing what to put in it I added my mascara, a pen, some scotch tape and tampons. When the bell rang signalling a new period! ha! I got up and went to art class where I realized a few moments later that I had left my purse in homeroom.

When the Rob Ford crack story first appeared I went to the Toronto Sun site to comment on it. There was someone there who always commented on my posts and was quite pleasant until one day he decided that he was going to support a lying, drunk of a crack mayor and started attacking my posts. I caught him one day making

Last month I went back to my hometown to visit my mother who moved to a retirement home just after Christmas. After seeing my once brillant, beautiful funny mom a shell of her former self and thinking about how quickly things changed made me start thinking about getting old. Then, last week after my boyfriend

I was in home ec class when I was about 9 years old and heard the girls across from me talking when one of them said another girl they knew was a real cunt. This was in the 70's, I'd never heard the word before. I was at home that night and my father said something to me that made me angry and I said to him "You,

When I had my first child I decided I just didn't want to breastfeed him. Three years later my daughter was born and she was put on the bottle right away too. Both of them are caring, productive young adults, people should mind their own business. Children these days are too fat because parents think their precious