Nooooo! You will be missed, Kristen.
Nooooo! You will be missed, Kristen.
I’m upper management at a company deemed essential. We manage fed/state/mun. fleets all over the country. The owner and I traditionally never get along and some would consider him a selfish dick. He’s generous in some ways but he’s hard on staff and generally cheap. He sent me home a week before all of the state…
History will not be kind to the people in power that downplayed COVID-19. The owner of my company is doing the same thing. He has played the “we’re essential” card, keeping the office open. Everyone in the office isn’t set up to work remotely, they all have desktop computers and desk phones. There are older folks with…
Also a classic example of “I’m smart enough about a few things, so clearly I’m a genius who can do everything.”
Classic example of “I’m rich because I’m smart, and I’m smart because I’m rich” phenomenon.
I think it’s more
Wouldn’t that be the “Grift Shop”?
I prefer the old fashion pitchfork, and torches, but that’s just my preference. Old school is always the best....
Jur, do you understand how a stimulus is supposed to work? And by that, I mean one that truly helps the economy, not just Wall Street stock prices? Giving money directly to consumers works, as they spend their money (usually almost immediately), and that money then flows up to companies as people buy goods and…
Congratulations, we have a winner!
*Kia enters*
Saw the chart, was not particularly impressed.
You know what’s more astonishing than an 80% dive?
Sad, have a star for your troubles!
Damn Honey. The bowden cable dislodged again. Looks like its up to us to repopulate this Lambo.
yes but that would look poor
“Did you train the new guy? He’s already gotten 25 cars out and is on his 26th! I wonder how he does it.”
How is that any different than: ‘I see you’ve changed the oil, so now I must reset three ECUs and upgrade your dipstick. That will be four hours of labor, please.’ Or ‘You need a new key? That will be $100 for the key and $250 to program it’
The dealer industry should all take a field trip to an Apple store.
Hopefully your trip was exactly 420.69 miles