Yikes at your logic, to your entire being. Yikes to you
Yikes at your logic, to your entire being. Yikes to you
I’ve been wondering where the Stig’s American cousin has been.
You really phoned that one in
Dear Drakkon,
It’s age discrimination to not allow 9 year olds to drive because of their age. As long as we can prove that a loss of ability to drive safely correlates with advanced age, we should be fine testing for that loss of ability.
Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.
Buy a new/used Toyota truck/suv....be happy.
It isn’t needless. People have places to be. If someone doesn’t have enough cognizance to realize a light is green, they’re not paying attention. If they’re not paying attention, they’re a hazard to themselves and those around them. They should be on a bus.
I am betting the cop was actually baiting the guy after the first honk, basically trying to see if he would honk again.
Yay, keep your head in the sand.
Not defending H2o here as I’m a huge stance hater but maybe if the city was more welcoming to begin with a lot of these problems would not exist. They said the organizers were only a 3 on the cooperative scale but I’m willing to bet the city is a 5 and makes completely unreasonable requests. As someone within the…
Talk about out of touch. These people need to take a step back and look around the US a bit. Houston, Las Vegas, Puerto Rico, Sutherland Springs — those are places with actual needs and problems. Some dumb stance kids doing burn outs shouldn’t even blip the radar. People of Ocean City — Get a fucking grip folks.
I and many others find the Chiron quite attractive.
“I forgot xxx is still a thing” comments should get a person banished to the greys.
No, it’s not. You’re intentionally misunderstanding this. I’m pretty sure they know more about it than you. This engine will run with and without spark. Please educate yourself before making concrete statements that are completely false.
Beats the ever loving fuck out of “EARTH DREAMS”
This will decimate all... especially if combined with FreeValve. If we have to, overnight parts from Sweden.