
"It's sexist, plain and simple." Indeed it is, and broads really hate that.

"A-Rod" Mandela spent 27 years in prison after testing positive for apartoids.

Seems to me he was hassled for having a name like Kaveh Kamooneh in Georgia.

Three semi truck drivers decided to play car tag with us one night, locking us in a position then turning their lights off. They kept swerving around us, and unfortunately we were in a classic car that couldn't go over 75, so we couldn't really get away. When we slowed down, they did too. They kept honking their

High speed crash inside city limits means driver fault, No matter if some mechanical part failed at some point, if the speed was within law reglementation, this fatality would've been avoided.

This guy may be a racist dickweed. Well, he most certainly is. But the lack of privacy we have online now is a legitimate cause for concern, and it bothers me that Jezebel promotes the abuse of said lack of privacy for page views. This kind of thing leans a little too close to a reddit witch hunt to me, and I think

And if the account is fake, or the photo shown is not the person it supposedly is, I am not "defending an abuser." YOU would be the abuser. The broad social justice goal you have in mind has blinded to the possibility that if the person who supposedly did this did not, you are a manifestation of the very thing you

ATTN: Jezebel
Subject: Abuse of Platform

Publishing random OkCupid messages along with photographs of alleged users is both naive and unethical. Everything you read on the internet is not real. Publishing people's semi-private information on a nationally read blog, based on a single screenshot (as you have done

Don't make econoboxes. Ever. Just make good one that last 30 years. More environmentally friendly than constant production of disposable transportation crap.

Unrelated: It's so nice to click on a story on the Web and find a woman who has the body of a regular-size human person. Lookin good, Sydney! You do you.