meanwhile, Pfizer tells us that we should “trust the science” while at the same time telling us that they’re “hiding the data for 75 years”.
meanwhile, Pfizer tells us that we should “trust the science” while at the same time telling us that they’re “hiding the data for 75 years”.
so I have to go out of my way to specifically get to a gas station
I’d be pissed off to wait 30 minutes just to get 200 more miles down the road.
and Bill Clinton still walks free.
Samsung or GTFO.
Love these 3 -
will never understand the hateget off my lawn.
Tesla Appears To Be Selling New Cars With Batteries From 2017
This accident was caused by the driver.
Even if they’re not broken, right? Because Gawker outrage from ignorance should rule all.
Is he in the country legally?
so was the Shed at Dulwich.
If it flies, floats, or fucks--rent it.
“Any of you homos...touch me...and I’ll kill you.”
Wearing my n95 indoors and being boosted says “i respect your fellow humanity and we are just trying to do our best”
Wait until serial killers get *caught* using this.
doesn’t all of this mumbo jumbo look JUST like “no problem, no big deal, just go into the Windows Registry and start editing things”???
I’m conflicted, honestly. Such convenient features shouldn’t be $480.
My Samsung’s been doing this since...Android 10? It’s doing it now on Android 11.