
And there you are, exhibiting the very problem.

Yes.  At least when the cash is finished burning, you’ve burnt only $11,500.


I want this guy dead! I want his family dead! I want his house burned to the ground! I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on his ashes!”—Al Capone, The Untouchables

“To protect and serve, and treat you like a King”

but...but...Amazon! They come right to your door!

so, you vote Democrat—and you get Al Gore and his Tennessee mansion, complete with its own hole above it in the ozone layer.

Lighten up, Francis.

Indeed! Pacifica Hybrid to the rescue.

A tad shorter than the GTI, a tad taller than the GTI, same width as the GTI.

I belong to the local small town Facebook news page pay attention to random blogs on the internet

Someone powerful not being held accountable for their actions, eh? Wonder what their political party affiliation is...

A lot of these articles do a great job of spreading misinformation as to the intentions of the companies. People are unfamiliar with the patent system and highlighting filings often creates excitement about what’s coming down the pipeline on the internet just make up random shit, light their hair on fire, and run

“I should really go to work now”. Tell me how that’s a bad thing to say.

do I see the Corvette line of buttons going sideways in there?

Damn right!  Your FREEDUMBS!

First come first served?

exactly.  This is the pinnacle of white privilege--whining that she can’t get her privileged way and how bad it is for her.

Wow, the voice of white privilege--whining that how dare the world interfere with her privilege.

You’re a racist.  You’ve declared that “poor people” ( and no doubt black) “don’t know what they’re doing, so they need us enlightened white people to help them”.