
Clutching your pearls, are you? Grow up. This is a discussion about slurs based on inherent natural characteristics. That includes age and skin color. The discussion is about how people don’t hesitate to slur old people with “boomer”, in a world where you can’t even discuss the topic of people slurring with “nigger”.

“Boomer” is a reference to age—a characteristic over which they have no control, like skin color. You have no right to sling slurs based on such characteristics.

So you are deliberately judging them based on their age, taking offense at their behavior, and calling them a slur.

“boomer” is a slur used against any person you see that is of a certain age. The person cannot help but be that age; it is not in his control.

“huge lift vessel”. Isn’t that cute.

you never read Tom Clancy’s stuff, did you.

2 years? Bah. A few months ago, after he did a bunch of maintenance work to it, a buddy of mine started up his newly acquired ‘79 308.  First time in 30 years it’s been run.  You couldn’t have shoved a pin up his ass with a sledgehammer right then.  It’s truly The Moment Of Truth.

the airbag in the Golf didn’t go off. Question: did they remove it, or was that simply not a great collision?

Here’s a simple standard:

“nearly wiped out my husband and me,” not “my husband and I”.

I’ll take “Catch the Semen” for $800, Alex...

This is not true. Democrats absolutely destroyed the GOP in fundraising over the last four years...They don’t need more fundraising, they need better campaigns.

Cutting a hole in the hull of a ship is pretty much standard procedure for conducting a powertrain swap on a large vessel.

it’s not range. GM, as usual, is late to the party and is playing by other people’s old rules. It’s not about range.


I bet half all these tabs break the 1st time you need to use them.

Now playing

the whole power liftgate thing made me think of this:

It’s 10 percent technology and 90 percent hype about changing disrupting the world with that technology.

note to self: must decorate my speedo with Jeffrey Toobin, and configure the car to pull to the left before I put it on CL.

Fartley Ford?