
assisted by other drivers who alert them to the presence of “smokeys” (most prominently Jackie Gleason as a loudly belligerent Texas sheriff who follows the Bandit all the way to Georgia)

Plenty good for the Herb numbnuts at Jalopnik who are otherwise unemployable

Anyone who says that--even on Jalopnik--is wrong.  Get going, gently, after maybe 30 seconds in cold weather, sooner in warm weather.  That’s the best way to treat your (properly maintained, specified oil changes, good oil) engine.

Anyone who says that--even on Jalopnik--is wrong.  Get going, gently, after maybe 30 seconds in cold weather, sooner

Agreed that Costco is a Top Tier brand. In addition, they have their own high quality additive package that they add ON SITE at each station—that’s unique in the industry. Everyone else has an additive package added at the terminal, and you end up losing track of who gets what all too easily. Costco remains in

Agreed that Costco is a Top Tier brand. In addition, they have their own high quality additive package that they add

It is not necessarily so that “high octane fuel will typically have more detergents”. Back in the day, that was a good generalization. But then detergent standards came along and squashed that. For low end sellers—indies, grocery stores, etc—they have to have a specified minimum of detergents in the fuel, and to add

It is not necessarily so that “high octane fuel will typically have more detergents”. Back in the day, that was a

so....once you go black you’ll never go back?

Please stop using the term “premium” fuel. It means exactly nothing, and perpetuates the fuel marketing machine that wants you to think “if we call it premium and charge more for it, you know it must be better, right?”

Please stop using the term “premium” fuel. It means exactly nothing, and perpetuates the fuel marketing machine that

In my house, in winter, that stick of butter left out is NOT spreadable.

Did somebody say dealership experience?

copyright, as in “right to copy”.  Right, as in permission.

The new Sienna is built on Toyota’s modular TNGA-K platform, and uses a hybrid drivetrain as standard. There’s a 2.5-liter DOHC inline-four and two electric motors, one of which is on the rear axle to provide on-demand AWD.

New York’s program, announced last year, would implement roughly similar pricing to London for entering Manhattan below 60th Street and is expected to generate at least $1 billion in revenue that could be used for other city infrastructure projects paying off political buddies and instituting pet projects that don’t

Make some kind of designated space where as soon as you enter, do whatever you want, but you agree to forfeiting any litigation. No safety workers, no EMT, no tech inspection, nothing. And no guns.

Whenever a politician suggests something, it should be that it apply to the politician FIRST.

Let’s add in the address of the mayor, shall we? Let’s see how eager she would be then.

Ah, midnight basketball strikes again.

The market probably exists, but you could fit all of them him into a broom closet.

why buy a 30 year old underpowered thing when I could buy a Honda Fit with more performance?

“retch”, not “wretch”.

Two words: rabbit hole.