
It’s not a pleasant sound, unchanging in its unenthused moan, only growing louder as you speed up.

0% on an Elantra for 84 months.

That does nothing but change the fact that you’re extending the loan an extra 90 days, as well as accruing interest those 90 days.

“Bring your car! Bring your kids! Bring your wife, we’ll dicker!”

90 days deferred. OK, stupid people out there, listen up. 90 days deferred merely says they won’t come after you for a payment in those 90 days.

While the program did help some Americans afford a new automobile, and was a boon for carbon emissions reduction in this country, it wasn’t all sunshine.

Sadly we live in a day and age where the dumber the statement, the more reach it has.

There’s equal real evidence for either interpretation.

get the fuck over yourself and just answer the damn phone.

No, Torchinsky, your clickbait shit is just that—pure bullshit.

Didn’t Aliens already do this vehicle?

This isn’t Porsche, though.

4x4 ads need to show the reality: flipping the switch, blasting past the other “dumb suckers” and flipping them off, then ending up in the ditch because you’re too ignorant to understand that 4wd doesn’t mean 4 wheel stop or 4 wheel turn.

so, a black person plays the race card in an effort to get ahead in life.

AWD *isn’t* necessary just because there’s a little rain or a flake of snow on the ground, the hand-wringing and pearl-clutching of today’s weak-ass millennials notwithstanding.

If you think you will not receive a bill, you are delusional.

look, it’s not “prediluted”. It’s just diluted.

You mean like, medical insurance “providers”?

Well, my story is last week buying a box of Tagalongs for five bucks, wanting more, and ending up buying a slightly larger box of the exact same thing from Aldi for 98 cents.

The issue to me is that her private legal behavior with a consenting adult who was HER HUSBAND shouldn’t have been allowed to be weaponized against her