
Your fashionable “blue light” has no effect on me. Neither does caffeine, for that matter.

Lifehacker, aka “You’re Doing It All Wrong (Whatever ‘It’ Is)“

fewer vs less. Fewer snowflakes means there’s less snow on the ground.

I quit a year ago. Here’s what prompted me:

The track days I go to will give you one warning for having a timing device visible to the driver.

“Psych!” as in psychology, as in psych’ you out.

I don’t care what your politics, skin color, nationality, any of that is—that opening bit was absolutely goddam hilarious. And the cherry on top was Chappelle’s comment about half of Netflix’s budget.

Clearly, then, the ST universe is one in which Twitbook never existed.

Stewie already showed us how that works.

“If you can’t afford the service, you can’t afford the car”.  Isn’t that what morons say?

20% of their mortgage.

so, FCA will be selling full size Barbie-mobiles.

Door jams

so, this is just two-factor authentication?  The passport must match the face?

Is that anything like “black people are criminals”?  Nice blanket judgment you have there.  Enjoy your BOB tonight.

So you found the one video on the internet with a line at a charging station

Can’t wait for the people over on Electrek to prop this up as a good thing.

“Tesla encourages its owners to interact with one another at controlled Supercharging stations!”

That day was a perfect storm for over crowded supercharging centers

Let’s say you take 1.5 of those 600 mile round trips per month. Over your 19 month ownership, then, you’ve taken 28.5 of those trips. And used a supercharger only 20 times? I call bullshit.

Would you wait 5 minutes to save 59 cents/gallon?  I would--and do.  Regularly.  Plus, Costsco’s additive package is better than the crapola neighborhood smokes-n-lotto station’s.