
tl;dr: “pay to play”

Less and fewer are related yet distinct; each has its place, and they are not interchangeable.

so does “bespoke”

Fuck off.

Fuck you.

“cheaters”? Is that what you call rational people tired of those 10 second gaps caused by passengers behind the wheel, playing Candy Crush or checking Twitbook and COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to anything going on around them as they have responsibility in traffic?

I drive exactly what you describe, every day.

Those fuckers that jump over and gun it into your blindspot as you’re moving over like a normal person

No, but your 10+ seconds gap of “oh shit, is traffic moving? Hang on, I have to finish this round of Candy Crush” is not yours to own or control.

Please, enlighten us all on how staring at your cell phone because you’re entitled to be entertained every second of the day and you fail to understand that you’re supposed to be driving makes traffic flow more smoothly.

On the other hand, someone leaving a huge gap due to inability or unwillingness to drive the fucking car, instead choosing to play Candy Crush because God forbid she should sit there without being entertained while she ACTUALLY DRIVES and pays attention, means someone WILL come up and take that 10 seconds of space she

you misspelled “get off your fucking phone”.

shhhhh, it’s Gawkmodo. Math is factual, therefore unimportant.


Go back and read the article. This is a home router that gets its internet access not from a coaxial or fiber cable physically laid to your house by a hardwire ISP, but instead gets its internet access wirelessly.

No metering of data here, neither cable ISP nor mobile carrier.

aka, the passenger behind the wheel

Read “The Dream Machine”:

There, over there on the left side--you misspelled “Kommunist”.