
But you want it both ways yourself, don’t you.

It’s your typical lowest common denominator pay cable TV bullshit show that cable TV has evolved into over the last 10 years or so. I watched half of the first show and turned it off.

Stage 3 Golf R with tires and suspension is a supercar.

without setting up some bullshit us vs them mentality

What would you do with people who, for physical reasons, cannot drive stick?

It’s not true that it works only within the speed range for that gear.

Lighten up, Francis.

DoT is in no way Top Gun.

Musk will be OK as long as he’s hired a bunch of illegal aliens.

None of that is true.

I’d rather push a fat chick than wear a hat like that.

The Fast and the Bi-Curious.

“Every good developer/publisher” does not, in fact, scrape pretty much the entirety of US Facebook profiles in a wildly egregious breach of the Facebook terms of service. Cambridge was very much unique in that.

instead of bitching, how about buying NEW cars with manual transmissions?

OMG, I can’t wait to make the Irish jig video of opening the Ford version!!

...via the brakes and suspension.

These guys are fucking scum of the earth charging people 24.9% on a fucking auto loan. Its insane

honestly, a car loan is a great way to throw money away

I was at the dealer having my car serviced and they tried to talk me into a new Tundra or 4Runner and I was like no way. I don’t ever want my payment that high and the guy said “that’s okay, we can get you into an 84 or 96 month loan to make payments the same.”