
Can’t distinguish between physical objects which can’t be replicated for free and data that is replicated for free, can you.

hehehe Thanks!

Look, in 1966 Star Trek was WAY ahead of its time.

Still! Here we go again. May the series avoid the embarrassments of season 1 TNG, possess the sweep and scope of DS9 at its best, have more direction and intention sooner than Enterprise did, and avoid having any crew members devolve into space-frogs and fuck each other.

So, what do they do? They traipse out a half backed, left over piece of junk?

I’m fully expecting Abrams to pull some Star Wars/Star Trek crossover BS, and it’s at that point that I slit my wrists.

Charging market price for something makes the seller a “scumbag”?

Start/stop also increases engine wear, and could result in being rear ended at a stop light due to the related delay.

dude, do NOT judge a feature based solely on how Chrysler implements it.

Theft had a definition long before the concept of something existing in multiple places without physically existing in multiple places. So?

dude, stop right there. It’s ALL about the money, from the standpoint of the content owners who get themselves all hot and bothered about people seeing something they didn’t pay for—never mind that they wouldn’t have paid to see it under any circumstances no matter what.

Define “steal”.

There are zero data to support your biased, industry-centric claims that the industry is losing money by people watching things they didn’t pay the creators for.

The title has the qualifier “bad” modifying “literary,” not “review”.

how dare you bring actual science and knowledge and facts to Gawker Media.

Those who pirate, were never going to buy it regardless. They would have simply done without.

What used to be a dick-swinging contest is now a douchebag-swinging contest.

Does that car Camry have an upside down Acura symbol?

Ford is in the freight train penis size compensation business apparently.