
Germans across the globe are aghast, saying, “What. The. Fuck.”

Here’s a video from YouTuber, Tesla Motors Club member and Model 3 Owners club member

Does the R coupe owner look back on $100+ and think, hmm, for that much money, I could have gotten a lot more performance hookers and blow...

yeah, the Avanti pictured looks more like a Pacer-turned-kit-car.

Well, I am on a Gawker Media web site—where the readers overall define and use “outrage” way, way differently than the rest of the world.

Who’s complaining about how people spend their money? I’m pointing out the insanity of people getting vitriolic and outraged about the two bucks a month, and putting it into context.

Now playing

Starbucks sells nothing of any real substance for the money. They sell an image. If you want coffee, go get better coffee cheaper in any number of places—but those cups of coffee don’t come with an image.

No, I actually read the article.

let’s see, going from $9 to $11 on Netflix—a $2 addition per month—is an outrage...say the people who spend four bucks A DAY (or more!) on Starbucks?

let’s see, going from $9 to $11 on Netflix—a $2 addition per month—is an outrage...say the people who spend four bucks A DAY (or more!) on Starbucks?

No, my point was right on.

I didn’t say coffee, I said Starbucks. Starbucks is overpriced coffee that doesn’t have any value add over McDonald’s coffee, for example. But people don’t hesitate to spend huge amounts of their income on Starbucks, while simultaneously expressing outrage and vitriol over Netflix going up two bucks a month.

Substitute any other mindless thing you don’t hesitate to blow two dollars on, “just because”.

No, only ridiculing people who express outrage and vitriol over Netflix going up two bucks a month, all the while mindlessly spending four bucks for some sort of frufru Starbucks drink every day.

“Most women are far too foolish for accuracy. We just want to do random things, then declare that we did something meaningful—whether we did or not.”

ummmmm....isn’t that just a purse?

you know, this insanity of chasing a number has got to stop. Instead, how about looking and and acknowledging the big picture?

exactly why I’m on Roku. Content-neutral, no movie or app store of its own to drive you to. Happy to host any players, even private channels.

you mean....you mean....it’s not being broadcast live ON EVERY CHANNEL THAT COMES INTO MY HOME?