Chief Chili Fry Maker

Exactly. If this were an engineer rather than Head Sales Dude, it would have a lot more meaning.

Bing has actually been quite good for some time now. I use both Bing and Google depending on what I'm looking for. Let's be honest - there's a bit of a herd mentality when it comes to many things Microsoft these days, but they aren't as bad as the crowd wisdom quite makes them out.

I love Steve Ballmer. He's one of the few CEO's out there I see that seems likeable and hard working to me.

Ah, so get off your stoop, basically? :p

I don't understand what you mean. I am taking the article quote as saying that Microsoft is working hard to implement intuitive, useful control schemes that utilize the keyboard and mouse.

I'm so excited about this I can't wait, but I am seriously getting worn down or something, as keeping up with these gadget leaps is becoming more difficult for me lately. I've been planning my next computer, which I intend to build in the next two months. Now all of a sudden I am planning my next computer after

From the article above:

I always wonder who actually grants these things and if there is any accountability built into the system when they get caught clearly rubber-stamping shit.

Google: competing against Facebook by offering a product people want. QUICK SOMEBODY CALL THE GUBERMINT!!

Maybe that explains the 250 spies. To make sure they didnt miss anything that might make it unwise to announce right now, like a similar product or service or something.

Is the app actually in the appstore already? All I see is the OnLive Viewer for games ... unless it's the same thing.

He's trying to revive MySpace. They announced some kind of social TV service with Panasonic, I think.


People don't spend thousands of dollars on Brittney Spears to take her home and make her work for them.

The one in the shot is what it looks like out of the box, with AT&T's vanilla set up.

I would almost say that's what design is at its core.

I *knew* I should have waited for CES. DOH.

I would have bought two of those iCade Jr. at Christmas.

I agree. I'm seriously bored with the rectangular slab look.