Chief Chili Fry Maker

I love the John Titor... mythology? What would you call that? That guy was either schizophrenic, an artist, or both. It gave me lots of late nights reading, utterly enthralled.

I kinda like the toe speakers. <_<


Is that true success or just inertia though?

Believe it or not, Gizmodo has more than one writer.

Dieting stories online are often difficult, as many commenter feel the need to rush in and insist that losing weight should be easy for everyone, everywhere.

Windows Live Homebrew Defenstration Version 1 Express Edition.

The urge to play Minecraft is overwhelming.

I'm not saying I'm special, I'm saying that the sorts of things I tend to consume would cast a negative light on me at work. It's not terribly complicated, bro.

Too soon.

I really, really hate that. For the same reason that I won't use Spotify - I work in a very conservative atmosphere, and I have tons of Facebook friends that I do business with. It would not go over well to broadcast all the horror movies I watch and rap music that I listen to.

Actually, I take it back. My son (thirteen) came to me today and asked me about it. I guess it's gotten more exposure than I thought.

Most people have never even seen the Perry video, much less enough to make it an "all timer".

No. There is a "fat fast" used in extreme situations when a dieter plateaus, but never often and it's only a few days at a time or something. I don't know if it's included in the latest version of Atkins. The fat and protein consumption is ramped up though, with an emphasis on "good fats".

I have kids, and many times wished their laptops had touchscreens, so that I could navigate the screen while sitting next to them on the couch helping them with school work. It would be so much nicer than reaching over and using their keyboard from the side.

Most people have never even heard of Google TV.

Seems cool at first, but then you think about it.

Hope nobody here sleeps with their mouth open. D:

It's a visual cue (as are the cut off words) to let the user know the screen pivots. It's really very intuitive, but honestly, visual tastes are visual tastes. If you think it's ugly, it's never going to grow on you. I like it, personally.

I kind of feel like they (Apple) have to hang their hat on something, as they have trained to always expect something huge with each release. "Slightly better camera and we've moved a button over" wouldn't have really cut it.