If you’ve been following the tragedy that is my 1948 Willys CJ-2A off-road project, you’ve likely concluded that…
If you’ve been following the tragedy that is my 1948 Willys CJ-2A off-road project, you’ve likely concluded that…
I’m not arguing the math here. I’m saying that there is no reliable way to prove that the 1200 more people who died is directly tied to diesel emissions. I don’t even know how you can even gather this data Europe wide.
Aggregate data is annoying. How is this provable that 1200 more out of like 500 million people died.
A far easier approach is to NOT COUNT unbelted fatalities as auto fatalities. Instead create a new “idiot” category for them. Lumping them in with belted occupants unfairly penalizes the auto industry and leads to idiotic things like automatic seat belts.
Dang, a 5.3L Vortec in a little ole’ CJ7? Must be a beast!
I had a 4 door jk for a while and I found the electrical system was so finicky I was afraid to add anything to it and the motor was gutless.
It’s a car blog, seems like all it is lately is a way to critique the new administration. Get back to car stories, if I want political comedy I will go to the huffington post.
Is he extremely short or is that car extremely tall?
I need a second car now that my kids are driving age and one of these would be perfect if it weren’t for the fact that every time I see one I gag.
No way! He promised he would make America great again, and what could be greater than a diesel Wrangler?!?!
“Turns over but doesn’t start”
Amazing. Please post an update.
Well Show me a car that I can actually thrash hard and still return 38 mpg while being fun to drive. I didn’t believe in diesels either until i bought a Golf TDI, I even use it to tow now while still getting nearly the same mpg. A golf 2.5 or 1.8T would frankly pale in comparison in term of getting good mpg.
Wrong. It has been well past 20 days for many people, including myself. All of my paperwork was in and verified as correct since Oct. 26. I have heard nothing since. And I am apparently not alone.
I have no clue what’s causing my alternator to overcharge and blow my taillight fuses,
Haha! Only a Jeep guy could call a blown motor a feature :)
Fuck losing a job, this is his career, and now his life. There are numbers and rules of ethics violation that you can report to secretly if found to be doing such things inside the company, he choose to not use those avenues and created the system to bypass those rules and policies.
Can confirm.
“Full-Size 1964 Lego Ford Mustang Is Amazing But Hiding a Shameful Secret”