
* Garrotes guard with fiber wire *

Imagine if this was on WiiU and the phone and mini-map were on the Gamepad? It's a fantastic no-HUD solution.

Am I the only one who didn't find this even remotely funny?

No one likes when Santa sucks.

You guys going to laugh at me for this, but does it have Mac support?

Hmm, I may have been okay with that however it seems like their is a trend going on with games nowadays to have dark and sad endings so I'm now more surprised when a game has a happy ending then a sad one. Dark endings (when written well) can be very memorable however they are way too overused. Now, I'm not saying I

I mean, just look at the ones AAA kids titles like....ah....um...

Wii Sports Resorts is one of the best wii games so as long as they improve upon that I down with it.

Its a shame Nintendo is charging full price for these games again. 10 dollars a piece pretty much equals the 50 dollar retail price for the original Wii game. I think thats way too high for what amounts to another re-release from a company that just cant seem to make a likeable new IP.


It's funny how quick Rupert Murdoch's (of FOX NEWS fame) bullshit tabloids blame EVERYTHING but the guns. Not really funny, but sad. The NRA has their hands so tightly wrapped around the GOP's nuts that blue-balls have turned purple. We're literally being told that it would be better to "monitor" all gameplay and all

Not sure how EA getting $2 makes it not "actually charitable". The weird thing is if this was $4 and EA gave 25% of the revenue to charity, people would be like "Well that's a nice gesture.", but charge $10 and keep 20% and people go "Why keep 20% greedy pants?" even though the net benefit for charity is greater and

I can't wait for someone to complain about the 16 year old boy being "too young" to play GTA.

Apple is not entirely responsible but is taking all the heat regardless. According to the same iOS Developer Guide, the onus is on the developers to securely package and submit scores to Game Center. Not only that, but the guide gives some basic instruction on how to set max and min values for the submitted scores,

Honestly, i think it depends on the maturity of the kid. Some kids are just more mature and are raised correctly. I know growing up my parents said no to that ps2/gamecube "spawn" game (they bough it but returned it) So i then wrote a letter telling them i knew what was in the game and knew it was wrong and i would

How is no one commenting about how many of us played M rated games before we were of "legal" age according to the ESRB standard?

True PC gamers don't tell fellow PC gamers what controllers they can or can't use on their PERSONAL computers.

Well as one of the four people who liked AC3 I look forward to this game.

I like cut scenes.