
What do you mean?

Really? A company is hilariously inept at all HR issues? I’m shocked, shocked I say.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and opening with that line and saying “buuuuuuuut” doesn’t suddenly change it into something besides a cigar.

Does every art which uses a style from or references the past need to speak to all the ills of that time period and how they could possibly have a connection to it?

“Is it tokenism if they’re EVEN MORE of a token?”

So my thoughts to this are twofold:

1. This makes them into a token character; suddenly adding a human where there weren’t any before. It’s also the right hand man to the devil, as others have pointed out. The only NPCs who aren’t bosses in the entire game was one-liners (also, not humans); if an identifiably black

That’s true, but it’s still not most, as far as I can put together. That kind of rate I chalk up to very normal integration challenges in M&A.

EA has made 37 acquisitions that I can find. How many have shut down?

What made you think it was doing well? It was one of the highest profile mistimed releases in recent years.

Holy crap this sounds irritating. If I still played I’d be thanking my lucky stars I only play a rogue.

You’re so right; clearly the better play for Wahlberg here would be to side with Spacey, right?


“Fox News uncertain it can sway the left”
Oh really? Tell me more.

This art is fine, but I have to question whoever came up with the primary direction - orange, yellow, and purple is a gross color combination.

Spencer is a PoS, but I wasn’t terribly impressed by this interview at all. Getting increasingly incensed by his statements and letting it all go unchallenged, taking the bait in the biggest way possible with personal attacks, and then walking off in a huff just saying “you’re ridiculous!” as if that’s not *exactly

The Surtur story cap was a genuine surprise, which I was a fan of.

How has Hulk been a Hulk for 2 years since AoU when we can see Banner refusing Tony’s call to arms in the Civil War shorts?

Thank you. I was about to post something along those lines myself - thick cut can be fine, but for the life of me I can’t understand how *anyone* could enjoy bacon that fatty. Solid fat is always always always just disgusting when it’s that much, and it boggles the mind when I see things like pork belly and such being

That DK gif seems, and I genuinely mean this in the best way, extremely gay.

Oh that’s great. I wrote a hit play and directed it - so I’m not sweating it either.

Undue influence on an ongoing criminal proceeding, I’m going to guess -which his defense lawyers can potentially then use in court to reduce what he gets, as has happened a few times before when sitting presidents comment on/around ongoing cases.