Alex Ovechkin: Good lord that's scary. I need some reassurance here.
This is bullshit. Everybody knows all hospitals have names.
Can't get up, can't open his eyes, and he's in extraordinary pain. But the hospital visit was only precautionary?????
I'm quite glad that the announcing team showed a slo-mo replay and pinpointed that he collapsed at the 24 yard line.
I do believe that if I were a city councilman planning a skate park I would spend the extra bucks and spring for getting the pentagram etched right into the concrete during construction.
Guns are awesome
Please keep in mind that this is also the country that prescribes crystal meth for just about anything. They don't have any real medicine, so they just cook up some meth and give it to old people for their aches and pains.
Yo quiero different seat
Your children... probably don't think that
I dunno, that makes Jagermeister seem kind of cool. I think Jag is a frat boy with reasonably well-off parents who's too insecure to look you in the eye unless he's drunk and bopping to bad EDM with his bros.
Jesus, was that an excerpt or the whole book?
Um, before we go and start feeling bad for Bartman all over again, could everyone please take a deep breath and remember that this man is a CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER?!?