Haha! It's funny because Internet Explorer is a crappy bro-
Haha! It's funny because Internet Explorer is a crappy bro-
Any hope of fixing it's image is dead.
And I'll watch it in Internet Explorer, it's like, META, OR SOMETHING
Such violent
Many angries
Hmmm, good point.
entering in codes has nothing to do with technology it has to do with your fingers and a keyboard.
exactly, and we flat out told Microsoft that if we can't own the physical games we buy (like we do now) then we're not buying they're console. and look at that it worked.
have fun losing your rights.
if it ain't broke don't fix it.
dial-up VS Broadband is completely different than QR codes VS normal codes.
exactly, then your bread can be any thickness you want.
I would love to meet the person that really needs to save those 8 seconds that badly.
doesn't matter how fast it is, entering codes works fine.
still not interested, entering codes works fine.
Partying with a Llama?
As always here is a review round-up
Heck if Call of Duty would have a bathroom scene. It would start by terrorist exploding out of the toilet. You fight him off by pressing X, then he run out of the toilet, while gasping and having a concusion. Toilet stall doors burst open and enemies start pouring in, toilets and faucets exploring everywhere, while…
It is my interest for this series...fluttering away to the beyond.