
Driver: Luigi (Not for the Death Stare, I just love Luigi)

This needs to be seen.

Thank you for actually citing. No one arguing here does.

It's almost as though Mario Kart Wii was a test, so that Nintendo could see what worked and what didn't when it came to the levels of innovation necessary in each Mario Kart game. Those lessons have since been applied, and they were first applied here, with the addition of long-overdue features like custom karts.

Below, you can see what Levi Ackerman looks like in the Attack on Titan anime. If you are unfamiliar with Levi, this wikia can hopefully bring you up to speed.

I wish all the cool new Fourth content wasn't expensive and available for one day only, my character is so poor it would take forever to actually earn this stuff, and most of these updates don't have there content around for more than a day or two.

In MK7 is was after the 2 stopped spinning and was much easier.

I actually hope it keeps these graphics, they have a strange charm to them.

The gear they're wearing isn't exactly practical in the real world for jumping around, especially with all of them huddled onto that stage.

So it's a slow news day?

I don't think I understand, is the narration in the game or is just some Youtubers?

Klefki is one of the better Fairy type you can get a hold of, though.

I loved Tyrantrum and second this.

HD Advanced Wars anyone?

Question: Isn't there a Cosplay blog this could have been posted to?

If I say no will you flip out and start raging on EA?