Looks almost as hilariously insane and overly evil as Vaas.
Looks almost as hilariously insane and overly evil as Vaas.
I never cared much for 1313.
Will this be an exclusive of any kind? I really don't want to be left out of this experience.
The only thing Disney did was give the Star Wars IP to EA to make games. Other than that Disney has no hand in this.
"I so fired my ion torpedo into your mom's exhaust port, you nerfherder!" "E chuta!"
I have a hard time reading your post.
Aliens Colonial Marines was also by a completely different developer (2 or 3 of them actually), a different publishing house with different expectations, , was hyped as something completely different then what Battlefront is being hyped as, and spent about a decade in development hell.
I saw a criminal getting arrested. That already looks more fun then just shooting them.
According to the news, they actually barged it down.
I wanted Battlefield 1942 on Frostbite 3, and instead I got an episode of Cops.
I want Battlefield 1942 on the Frostbite 3.
After playing it, many people wanted to forget it.
I believe you're referring to a viewmodel.
I missed out on Blazikenite in X and Y, so I'm happy I still have a chance at it in the next game.
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a spider?! AND IT'S SHOOTING AT US?! It's Spider tank!
What's that in the most insulting sense?
I am so impressed by the amount of movement and punishment they gave these. They must be incredibly well made costumes for that.
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, and Black Flag have exactly what you described, but Brotherhood was my favorite.