
All the best designs are from the 1980s. We should reïntroduce these graphs. Here’s a mockup of a depreciation graph for a Chevrolet:

Maybe as a side article you could explain the unbelievably lax vehicle inspection routines in the US, for the readers in Europe, and elsewhere, for whom the description of TÜW sounds pretty standard?

Uh, are you new here? They need a 1948 Chevy Fleetline.

Remember, gators are more closely related to chickens than they are to lizards.

I just want white people to learn how to survive on their own without white supremacy. I don’t want them to be dependent on racism and government handouts. I want them to learn how to provide for their families and educate them without stealing from Black people.

Truthfully, who among us can say that he would not Onan operate such a thing?

thanks for the nightmare fuel

Great question. I haven’t seen updates for other types of retirement accounts. In the meantime, the IRS offers a handy chart on what types of rollovers are allowed between different types of retirement accounts: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/rollover_chart.pdf 

Tired of boiling water every day? Boil a week’s worth and freeze the rest for convenient use later!

Maybe should have said powertrain


...while you fellate yourself over pictures of spare ribs.” It’s only truly authentic bbq if the ribs in question were the ones the person removed from themselves in order to perform that act.

That comment is golden.

It’s obviously battered fish.


That’s a good take.  Keep up the good parenting. 

According to my 4 year old, if it doesn't have a tire on the back, I can't buy it.

As a guy who has leg hair that casts its own shadow and has a wife with hairy enough arms for the teasing described here at a young age I appreciate this article. We have two little girls and the 5 year old got the hairy gene. Now I know a bit more how to think about it.

And they all orbit around a Civic del Sol.

Fill a bathtub with it and wear an orange catsuit