Thoughts and prayers for James to hasten your demise NRA
Thoughts and prayers for James to hasten your demise NRA
That senator’s bleating is the definition of Republican hindsight 20/20. Even if they knew the results they still gotta lemming off that cliff for dear ol' masa trump
It’s far past time for the pigs to lose QI. You’d see an overnight shift in performance and actual thinking tactics vs shoot anyways cause poc it'd be whiplash like.
Biden should make an executive order to supersede this bullshit -_-
Enjoy the boat ride you dumb hag
Pigs need to be afraid of being turned into bacon and this country is ready to deep fry the lot :/
Kind of hard to make jailhouse music when you can’t read the toilet paper DMs. Fool should have stayed in school and read his Moby Dick.
Back to under your rocks you cretins your master got his ass kicked by the people with brains....
This kind of shit they should drag the pigd into a military trial and explain to the judge why they acting like traitors to a member of the armed forces. Doesn’t back the green supersede back the blue?
Watching a snowflake melt in real time is certainly something to behold..
Nothing like gaining voters by draining their bank accounts. A fool and their money soon parted....
Is this the secret caping account Kotick uses? It’s looking a little battered atm.
*Maybe* I’ll watch now knowing I won’t be subjected to Skeletore with a wig popping up on screen like some bad PTSD vision of the past but ABC clearly thought they’d be dealing with a different person being in office and thus different crowd <_<
Up until the election and the subsequent civil insurrection there was this old white couple who would sit in front of the random sheriff station along the freeway in my area and wave their dumb blue lives flag.
Doesn’t give a shit about a mask but wants his bail increased for shooting a cop. K.....
My father in law voted for him twice and he's married to a Persian woman. His parents vote democrat. Already told my wife she's firing the first shot in the "why" discussion -_-
Maybe his tax releases will distract him a bit XD
He can spend all that time learning to read so he can be well versed in how fucked he is.
Disgusting pigs, that flip flop story changing video should be on repeat on billboards across the country with a huge sized transcription. Protect and serve my ass.
Go spray paint RACIST FLIP FLOP TRAITORS on their fucking houses