
“As the reigning philosophical voice of the squared circle, he has to talk.” I hope this was a joke. Thurman is very clearly, if you listen to him talk, not very bright.

I don’t disagree with the premise, per se, but your internal logic fails. Isn’t a firefighter just doing his job as well? The fact that they are just doing their jobs is not a barrier from that job being heroic.


And Lopez and Miranda went to the same high school!

Tennessee Honey and Hot Chocolate

HCHS kids still practice there. Or at least they did as of two years ago

What are the odds that you start doing more boxing writing? Like, at least a weekly column? It’s the best thing you do and one pf the best things this site publishes.

Talbot-Lago says whatup

There is the ultimate opportunity for Microsoft to sponsor this as a Halo advertisement.

A million times this.

There are eight Ivy League school. Is that meant as ‘all seven other...’?


Fact of the matter is: Fuck Riley Curry

I’m too young to have ever seen him fight live, or to have really been a party to the great things he accomplished in and out of the ring, and yet he still has loomed large to me as a figure since long before I was a fan of the sweet science he so cooly embodied. Of all of the deaths this year, this one definitely

What if you were too young to remember 2001 well, but remember 2004 very well

Boston never wins in 2004

Leo DiCaprio and Beyonce

In the above photo, which Deadspin writer is the dog?

Goyinfidel has to be a parody account, right?

Paramount is owned by Viacom which has the same ownership as CBS