
Suzyn is just the absolute worst. Sterling is awful too, although at least the HR calls are fun. I never really get the Kay ahte though

As a New Yorker living in Texas, my theory is that if the bagels here didn’t suck so much, they wouldn’t give you cancer.

Satan Den of Babykillers IS a pretty badass name for an abortion clinic if you ask me

This was the pinnacle of human history. Fuck Conor.

Wait wait, the language in this article is pretty unclear. They didn’t strike anything down. They put a stay on the enforcement of the law. Those are two drastically different things

“refers to humans using their programming to react to problems without the intervention of a human.”

Nah, fuck him, I’ll still boo his ass

This is so false. Most, including this one, are pretty ugly.

I dunno, it’s kinda easy not to feel bad for Whitney, what with her being a homicidal maniac and all...

Maybe he is looking for a trade to Buffalo?

I think there’s also an added layer of relativism here when you consider that even today, in a country like Sweden or France, 15 is the age of consent. Younger in places like Italy or Germany. There is certainly a debate to be had about whether those laws are appropriate, but these also aren’t terrible third world

So then can you please explain why the native kinja video player is flash based?

The clickbaitiest

My problem with this one is that cancer isn’t one disease, so it seems unlikely that there’d be one cure

Pretty much any major bank has assets in the trillions...

This is at its core an anti-progressive statement, though. It’s obviously a complicated issue, especially considering the low conviction rates, but at the same time ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is among the most valuable features of our legal system, whereas mob rule is essentially barbaric

It’s not THAT striking in person, although I suppose the size, crowds, and 10ft perimeter don’t help that. I much prefer The Wedding Feast at Cana right across the way

Could be a device for diabetics

No. Part of the excitement is the constant threat of scoring without too much actual scoring.