
Second coming of Rasputin, anyone?

I've had 3. Does it still count?

Is this movie actually good? People seem to think so but it has not appealed to me at all

Aren't they basically the same?

I mean it makes sense to put him in charge of national news. Bayless and Smith are a pretty good allegory for Washington right now.

What a twist! Are you M Night Shyamalan?

One time at camp on Burger Day at lunch, the burgers with particularly rubbery, so my friends and I tried to spice them up a bit. We ended up with chocolate chip cookies as the best taste improvement.

The way my dad puts it (he's heard Scully a fair bit, but I've mostly missed out) is that Vin Scully can make you feel like you are actually there during a game. You have just about a better idea about what going on than if you were watching on TV. He just paints an unrivaled picture. (This is usually in reference to

I sort of figure the idea is that a cis man doesn't want to look like a woman. I assume a cis woman generally wouldn't want to look like a man either.

Very sure. I watched it come out. I wish I had saved it though. That's some good shit.

Just a comment on the burnt dead toast. This came out of my toaster oven. I think it's some sort of record:

I feel like if they tried to force the Giants on, Tom Coughlin would personally murder Goodell.

Lol, I had some friends in like 8th or 9th grade who would go to the bench in the 1st picture to smoke pot, thinking they were covert or something like that. If we are talking hidden monuments in Central park though, I gotta go with the Mountain Lion on the park drive:

And it's a damn good thing

That show is fucking addicting. Best is when people get awesome offers and then completely torpedo themselves.

I'm with you man

I mean, to be fair, we can in many ways make a good argument for center of the world. Biggest stock exchange is here, UN is here, this is an art article and we are just about tops for that, and then there is the official ranking.

In that case, I think you will like this.

Even if you don't live in Manhattan, art on abandoned train tracks is pretty cool. Also, everyone here is under the impression that each facet of the city is nationally recognized, so...