
Please do these more often (always.) Every one of these photo journals is interesting. I am a fan!

In this case it mean to 1% accuracy. I remember reading a week or so ago how big a deal it was that we reached a whole percent

This is all well and good except for the part where you say Lena Dunham looks fantastic without the photoshop. To be fair, she still doesn't look good with the photoshop, but that is besides the point. Also, for the record, I think this was a pretty good thing to do, and that photoshopping for mags is stupid. If you

Jay Leno is one of the funniest comedians in the world? Let me just go kill myself

In some cases, yes, but in others, not as much.

Can we take a step back for a moment and recognize that Lambo and Bugatti are VW brands. I'd entertain a conversation about 3rd place

You're right. We don't in any way all share limited resources.

I posted a link earlier in the thread. My comment there is the same as mine to you.

Unless we end up with the green line, it ain't good:

Why is overpopulation not here. I still think it's our biggest porblem. Or do they only do strictly technological issues?

In the first picture, are you across the street from the Federal Reserve Bank of NY? If so I had a friend who lived in the building in the top right corner. Also, gave me some nostalgia. Dunno where I'm going with this...

I don't mean to suggest I agree with his firing or some such thing, just that I think it doesn't really affect the fans, at least not directly, in much of a discernible manner.

I have said it many times before and will many times again: motherfuck the MLB. Seriously, the craven, disgusting way they have conducted themselves of late is possibly above NCAA levels, and that is the 9th circle of sports hell.

I mean, JR was barely around anymore anyway. It's not like they pulled him straight from announcing

Genghis Khan has to be on the most famous people list. Something like a half a percent of all living men (women idk about) are directly descended from him. That is a well known man

I dunno, with everything else about the products equal (look, service, function, etc) I bet people would buy the Nest(tm) over GStat(tm)

I dunno, to me, connected home folks wouldn't be (and certainly shouldn't be) the most privacy-centric folks in the world

A Brand(TM) is a big deal and Nest is one of the most visible ones. It may not be big not, but it can grow substantially as the internet of things becomes more prevalent.

Oh god seriously fuck the MLB. I'm sick and I have a headache and this gave me a worse one, so rather than enumerate all of the reasons why Baseball has been just godawful about everything remotely surrounding this issue, I will stick to motherfuck the MLB

Seems legit, NBA