
It won't matter. Nothing will ever make the BQE something that anyone should want to drive on or look at

YUSSS, I never got to experience the Cold War, but damned if I won't now!

But still, you'd think they would turn them around on cars going the other way

On both sides of the street, they are all pointed in the same direction. That seems stupid.


This is probably cheaper than a taxi ride home anyway

I'm pretty sure "Dhudul Flying Terror" is what Putin nicknamed his penis...

Huh, I'm pretty sure coaches at non-competitive NYC high schools. Base salary is certainly higher...

Oh no, they have plenty more.

I'd happily sacrifice all class to drive a bugatti...

yeah, me too

The real question is how many reason do you have for liking her? I'm guessing 2

Lol, I remember when I found out there was a pron section. I was still too young to be excited, but it was so crazy at the time that there was a 'dirty' section.

Still no Dubai.

How did this guy even manage to get rich? He's pretty awful at this stuff

That's pretty decent. I'm guessing that its a stretch if anyone breaks much passed 200k based on that though

That probably makes the most sense, especially in really suburban. I could see a bunch of guys never paying for dinner or something like that.

An airplane is insane. My highschool takes the subway to basketball games

Paying $30mil for a Giocometti is on the cheap. One of his sculptures went for over 100. More proof of Loria's business acumen.

Yeah, I kind of figured this, but there are a couple really big programs in Florida & Texas, so I was still pretty curious.