Very manic. I have several folders and keep my inbox at between 25 and 45 emails. I'm generally very disorganized, but lots of email is a major pet peeve
Very manic. I have several folders and keep my inbox at between 25 and 45 emails. I'm generally very disorganized, but lots of email is a major pet peeve
It's all over!!!
Saw the car in person once and boy is it worth every prize it receives. Truly gorgeous automobile
Rickie Ricardo? That's not his real name, right?Right?!?!
I completely agree. The best cars are the least realistic!
Yes, it should. While there are limits to the Constitutional Amendments which certainly have a place (fire in a crowded room for the 1st, shouldn't be able to own any gun, etc) this would not be an exception to the 5th Amendment, it would be completely defeating it. I don't see why they can't get a warrant to seize…
I'm 16 and I got a perfect score. Don't use your sister to judge a wider population.
Shooting Brakes are not sexy, they are really ugly. I'll never understand why people think otherwise...
Bugatti all the way. Probably a Type 41 (the Royale) but maybe a 57 of some sort
especially with something like Jesus Christ there.
3 months before I was born
It looks so much like he is saying "wet pussy" i can't even
I'm picking motherfucker and cunt. That is a quality matchup
Seeded way too low. Probably the most vulgar word in the language.
I'd probably go, but it would depend. I would have to know more specifics about any mission before I decided.
Right now, 1 unread, 19 others. There is an additional 1 unread and a few hundred read in folders. I try to keep it clean.
Ketchup sucks!
I've never watched it but I really don't see the allure. Do I need a helmet too?
Michelle Obama's Bangs. They don't look good. Bangs rarely work and this isn't one of the times they do.
I had the same exact thought