
Look how long that list is...

@blyan: I do look like a Douche now... Thats what I get for relying on my Macs spelling and grammar checker.

@blyan: Just stop, your backpedaling so bad.

@TheGM: Not trolling... Just a n00b with the google tv. But how do you stream/rent movies on it? Or do you have to use netflix. Thats what I like about the Apple TV that I could rent a HD movie for 4.99 from iTunes... I did not hear anything about the Google tv doing that.

@Odin: Usually I am a Apple fanboy on every product Apple, but the new Apple TV was a let down, I agree with you and everyone else on that.

A couple questions, maybe these have been asked before but I really was not paying attention to the google tv.

kind of a good idea... but where I live I would have to go to everyones apartment and show them how to select or see available networks...

Kanye can go away... he will be working a desk job or on one of those celebrity stunt shows in a couple of years. Also does he not know about twitlonger? He could have sent only one tweet instead of 93...

Usually I would say except for Apple but for once I am saying that I bet Apples notebooks will be getting these soon after they come out...

@satyrica: that has to be photoshopped for fun...

@MossyPosse: That could be... I had around 1200 friends and probably 200 of them had there accounts taken over, whether they were hacked or Facebook sold them, but my spam was definitely due to Facebook.

@RandomDesign: you must be the luckiest person ever or your mail is deleting it before you even see it.

Facebook probably asked for all the e-mails so they could sell them and make money... But its not like they would do that, I mean just because when I canceled my Facebook I was down to about one spam message a day from 50- 60 doesn't mean they were selling them right.

You gave me a #nerdgasm when I read 800Ghz... Sadly you meant Mhz...

Better Notifications

Gizmodo you are never going to get back into an Apple event with articles like these...

Shouldn't the title be