
As a private investigator - I can tell you that this will be amazingly helpful for me. Being able to take some pictures of a subject without bothering to focus etc will make things easier, and keep me safe.

Well, it's already the internet, so it might as well be computers too

Haha, I know - I did the same thing at first, but then remembered they're in the US :P /joke

I don't know how much your time is worth, but $120 isn't going to buy you a lot at the end of the day - and a really good router is close to $100 now anyways - hell, a powerline router from staples is $100 [www.staples.ca]

I get 50, but they're probably talking about LAN speeds

The Triforce is a really old symbol called Mitsu Uroko - Three Scales - it's an old Shinto symbol that's been used by the Hojo Clan in Feudal Japan since before the Sengoku Jidai - Warring States Period.

Patents don't apply in that sense.

As far as I've ever known, properly Smoking/Tinting them does not count as obscuring them due to the fact that when fully lit, they maintain a certain lux. Now, I'm not saying I couldn't be wrong - it's just one of those things you know of from various sources.

Hehehe, in BC (Canada) we can have tinted brake lights (as long as the tint isn't over a certain percentage) - so I can guarantee you these are legal here :D

Nail. Head. You're on it.

You have to be reary reary ronery

Except that the RIAA doesn't hold rights to Dexter - so even if they were still doing it for C&D reasons, by downloading, they also upload and help distribute the material - which by their own admission is illegal

That's my point :)

+1 - I came into this post just to make sure somebody referenced that.

Alright, I'll start writing if you find a producer :P

Considering that a Jury has to be made up of your peers, wouldn't it be fair for you to ask that they have a comparable level of intelligence as you? Must write that one down for future reference... not that I plan to be on trial any time soon :D

Yeah - the camera's couldn't see shit all, hopefully this'll lead to a new system.

I wasn't trying to put words in or around your mouth, sorry - a little on edge this morning - we had a break-in at work and I'm dealing with cops, bosses and a POS DVR/Camera system.

Actually, the only thing wrong with it is that it's a run-on sentence with misused commas.

They have to sign heavily favoured roaming agreements with T-Mobile, not give them spectrum