
Black Men. That's who.


God I hate having to deal with asthmatic stoke-victims

Found it.


You should be happy the government gets it, this way you guys are what, .1% closer to being out of debt?


Yeah, the Span tag has been blocked, for obvious reasons

You mad bro?

I have one response to all of the above:

First world problems~!

First world problems~!

This is why you never read the comments before watching the video.

Yes. I, and ME-412 said NES not SNES, which utilized a Photo-diode instead of Cathode-Ray Timing

0.0001 ten-thousandths

NES guns didn't send information about where they were pointed, they received light and told the system if they saw more or less.

We've had this in Vancouver, BC for soooo long now. I just figured it was common.

Same on my iMac

Not to mention the amount of security holes that can be induced by having everybody and their grandmother making webpages using software that codes everything the exact same way.

No, Useless tits are useless, actual Web Devs are not.