Yeah, police officers adopting the Punisher as their mascot has always been creepy to me. I’m not sure if they really understand what they are adopting or not.
Yeah, police officers adopting the Punisher as their mascot has always been creepy to me. I’m not sure if they really understand what they are adopting or not.
Military and law enforcement officials who love the Punisher are terrifying.
One thing that was pretty consistent across all the shows: Their seasons ran too long.
Not to be all hot takey but- this is fine.
Anyone over the age of 17 who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole
Ah yes. The crowd of kids wearing racist headwear screaming at an old man with a drum were right all along and those of us (and OUR journalists) who watched them do it were wrong. This is a great take and I am quite interested in your opinions on who did what on September 11, 2001.
That’s not an error; if you think about what diffusing and defusing are as actual physical actions you should see why.
Come on, give them a break, they’re just ignorant kids from one KY’s largest cities. It’s not like there’s now footage of Covington Catholic students attending a basketball game in blackface that’s straight out of a minstrel show...
A description of Phillips as “chanting” in this story has been changed to one of him “singing,” following this note from Dr. Adrienne Keene.
Because just walking away was obviously too hard for these kids to do?
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
I’ve lived in NYC for 21 years, and been harassed on the street by the Black Israelites literally hundreds of times in that period. Weirdly, I never felt the urge to do anything other than walk away. Strange how easy that is.
I can’t evaluate if doing “the chop” at Native Americans is racist without knowing if the choppers are FSU fans. How can I be expected to peer into their very souls?
A group of entitled teens goes on a mission to spread their gospel of hate. I really need to know whether they were harassed by someone before spewing hate, or they were rudely interrupted in their attempt to spew hate by a band of people singing and playing drums before I can pass judgment.
The teens’ version of the story leans so heavily on believing what was in their heads or relying on their limited perspective of a large mob...
It’s so weird that so many people independently decided that MAGA gear and Trump slogans were a great way to intimidate minorities. It couldn’t possibly that all of those people easily understood the messaging behind those things. I’ve been told that would be an unfair interpretation of the facts. So, clearly, they…
Not gonna lie. I now have no idea what actually happened.
The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo.
White privilege is the media falling over itself to apologize when it thinks it misread a situation. If these were African-American kids, we never would’ve seen alternate video or explanations.
Not the spotters fault.. He dropped the weight. When you trying to set personal records and stuff peoples hands can't be on the weight or it does not count. Without actually having their hands on the weight (which no person lifting wants their spotters to do constantly) there is no way to stop someone who straight up…