
Its predatory cause its absurd to expect someone to return something within a set amount of time. I’m expected to remember the rules and than make time in my busy day to stick a disc in a machine. They are preying on my bad memory and sheer laziness and that’s not right. I’m not going to be less lazy or improve my

I look forward to seeing Predatory Game Lenders as the next big SJW target.

Agreed. Not everything is a scam/trap. Their pricing is pretty intuitive.

Oh my god. It’s not predatory. Fuck. He kept the game x number of days. It costs x dollars per day to keep said game. He returned it. He got charged the price of that There is nothing predatory about this. It’s just simple math and common sense.

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

I doubt your rape story.

If there is one thing you miiiiiight deserve to get punched for at a football game, it’s being that annoying goober who stands up the entire game for no reason.

I like how he kept his cool enough to remember that he did say he would advise you of the situation before he took action. It’s considerate.

Good one Nana!

I mean...kinda.

Good point. People have zero sympathy for healthcare workers that have to work on holidays. My wife used to work at an immediate care clinic, and people would be downright indignant to learn that they couldn’t be seen for their mild cold symptoms at 6:57 pm on Thanksgiving because the clinic was closing at 7. Most of

But I later mentioned him in a negative light in a popular blog post.

<fedora voice> Why are all the women always digging the big ass-holes?</fv>


If he had been active back then he could have had the game delayed to get it finished.

You’re welcome for spoiling that there is an elevator and that conscious guards can survive falling several stories. Or that I’ve cleared the game twice and both was merciful and homicidal. Or that there’s a New Game+ that’s already been covered on here long, long ago. Or that I killed a character that will reappear

I don’t think you understand what “mysogistic” means

Seems like if you’d really want to make a “realistic” medevil RPG, you’d drop all the knights and kings stuff entierly, since the vast majority of people in the middle ages never experienced that stuff.