
im not at the forefront of gaming systems. i still only own and play my ps3 and wii and have been perfectly happy with them. my “next” system may end up just being a used wii u.

You’re throwing around a lot of figures here that seem to be plucked straight from your imagination. “...games that will be played by maybe 50 people max”? I bought a turbografx game a couple weeks ago - there are 13 million consoles out there with the infrastructure in place to release additional games without much

You could just report on this without the dripping condenscension. It costs Nintendo little to port already released games and I’m glad to see they’re still doing so.

All of which I prefaced by saying the evidentiary backing was based upon suggestive evidence, and not scientifically established fact.

Serious question... was there an editorial meeting at gizmodo handing down an edict to write anti-Google articles? All of a sudden the site is overflowing with them. Can’t be a coincidence.


The biggest advice I wish I learned earlier: Don’t finance a car.

I did portfolio management for five years as a profession. When it comes to investing in the market, it’s a sham (unless you’re insanely wealthy). What a finance professional should be helping you with is things like planning proper insurance, helping you calculate necessary savings for you goals, longer term estate

Sure. Kinja is dumb and these comments are jumbled as fuck, but I also posted this earlier:

seems like the only thing your mouth is good for is a cock holster as well.

Hush, let the nice straight lady explain to us how we gay people are wrong.

And ZOOM! The point of the joke goes RIGHT over your head! It has nothing to do with a sex act being between two men. It has everything to do with one of those men being politically submissive to the other using a sexual metaphor. That’s not homophobia in the slightest bit. You’re being a knee-jerk reactionary, and

Katherine, normally your writing is fine, but I really think you completely stubbed your foot on the wall with this one.

Definitely the latter, because with the former, at least there’s misguided sincerity.

The whole premise that the cock-holster joke is homophobic is flat out ridiculous, and maddeningly hyper-sensitive. I’m gay,I saw the show, not for a moment did I think it was anything other than hilarious. It literally never crossed my mind. Would calling someone a brown noser or saying someone kisses ass therefore

Katherine, as a 100% fully certified cock-gobblin’ Sodomite....what? The joke wasn’t HAHA GAY, HOW HUMILIATING. The joke was HAHA HE’S LITERALLY IN BED WITH PUTIN. YOU CORRUPT FUCK. There was nothing homophobic about it. Do you honestly believe this drivel, or was this an attempt to drum up clicks while being

Ha, ha, ha, get it, the joke is oral sex, between two men, because that’s humiliating and shameful.

See everyone, it’s not just conservatives who aren’t able to understand the meaning of a joke and get indignantly outraged by it. There are also many oblivious liberals.

Oh, please, there’s nothing inherently homophobic about that joke.