Jake Gittes

Oh, how I hated this movie when I first saw it. I’ve come around on it since, to where now it’s one of those watch-to-the-end movies whenever I happen across it. I saw it with my mom and brother the first time and I don’t think either of them have revisited since. I recently said that I really like the movie now and

So I don’t know if anyone else has been to the Kubrick exhibit in London, but it was just flat-out incredible and worth your time even if his movies leave you cold. An absolute treasure trove of stuff, and one of the highlights for me (apart from all the Napoleon stuff!) was a tie-in comic book to 2001: A Space

I have seen this on Laserdisc, dvd and then blu ray several times. Each time I felt the slow parts drag but was still enjoying the film despite the pace. THEN I saw it in 70mm IMAX and wow. Not a single slow part. Pace was perfect. This film is designed to be seen on the biggest screen possible. It absorbs you in and

‘American Beauty’ reminds me of Newt Gingrich. Specifically someone’s description of him as “What the uneducated imagine an intellectual sounds like.”

Gonna screenshot this for next time I see a “these AVC movie reviews are too policitized!!!” comment.

Do you actually go to see any of these fine, fine Christian movies, or do you just complain that I don’t like them enough? 

Thank fuck I’m not the only one, then.

I’ve seen it as well. It’s boring, hacky, hamfisted, and is basically just a mishmash of prison and legal drama cliches strung together. It says A Lot (I’m pretty sure the last 15 minutes is just people didactically monologuing) while saying very little. It’s a bad movie, straight up, and the actual Brian Banks

Thanks for writing about this film—wouldn’t have heard about it otherwise, and it’s really great to continue to hear about “stuff I wouldn’t hear about otherwise” on AV Club. Now all I have to do is source this film ...

Sort of like trying to explain why a movie you haven’t seen must be better than the person who has seen it says it is, then?

We saw the trailer for this a while back. In it, the main character says “I found someone in prison.” Hard cut to Morgan Freeman. “Of course it’s Morgan Freeman” someone yelled out and the whole theater busted up.

I think Washington Post film critic Stephen Hunter pegged it perfectly in his original review back in 1999, dubbing it Dr. Normal Love: Or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Have Sex With My Wife.

It’s a movie about money disguised as a movie about sex. It’s about the commoditization of everyday life, class envy, the relationship between money and power, and, if you want to extrapolate, the malaise of late capitalism.

y’all hatin. Eyes Wide Shut rules

Is awful and should not be on this list. I agree.

Anyone who would interpret Fight Club as a sincere glorification of male violence is too thick to merit consideration.

“Cartoon causes fascism”. I swear this is just as bad as the “video games cause gun violence” argument. And then capping it off with “likely unintentionally.”

That’s the show, in my opinion - the movie has a different kind of fish to fry, a very deserving target, and it totally nails it (with some great musical numbers along the way).

Pouring one out for the South Park Movie.

Ripley was really great. Peak Damon, peak Paltrow, and you’ve got Cate Blanchett, superbronzed Jude Law, and PSH going “Tommy, how’s the peeping?” on top of that.  So great.