
Something tells me that these two sentences is all I need to understand your entire personality. Got to say, its almost impressive

Yea but very few teams waive QB’s quickly. Not saying its fair, but saying “Peterman has a job and Kaep doesn’t?! This is a travesty!!!!” doesn’t fee; right. Bills drafted him as a roll of the dice pick and figure they will see what they got. Besides its not like the Bills actually want to win, they seem content

You are right, but to be nit-picky Peterman is a rookie that the Bills just drafted, so its not that surprising. Joe Webb on the other hand... I agree there is a bit of black balling going on, but I would also like to know what Kaep is asking for pay. People point at Gabbert and Webb having jobs but they are getting

I’m sorry what? Last I checked, it was the producers of the show that came forward first. Last I checked Corrine is a grown ass woman (remember she let us all know that when she was on the Bachelor) who is responsible for taking medication in a sensible way. Last I checked a bunch of new rules about drinking were put