I'd like my older SMS messages to be added to the Google Spreadsheet. How can I do that? I've seen other SMS backup apps, but they all seem to backup my text messages into some XML file.
I'd like my older SMS messages to be added to the Google Spreadsheet. How can I do that? I've seen other SMS backup apps, but they all seem to backup my text messages into some XML file.
Why is Google Play store (play.google.com) saying that my Android 4.2.2 device is incompatible?
I didn't last long with my standing desk. Because after a short while, I incorporated a treadmill and my standing desk became a treadmill desk! The weird feelings you get in your back and legs and everywhere when you're in a standing position are gone when you're moving.
Dustin, I have the birthdays and anniversaries of my Google Contacts as a calendar, just as you instructed. But the sad thing is that there's no way to get advanced email/sms/popup notification. :( I have to check my Google Calendar carefully. But that's not the way I use my GCal. I'd rather get emails 2 days before…
Has anyone figured out a way to get the "Contacts' birthdays and events" calendar (which is fed dates from one's Google Contacts) to give us the option to get email/txt/popup notifications? This has been a longstanding issue. Is there some hack for this, without having to create a brand new calendar on GCal?
How can I turn off "Seen By" in Facebook Groups?
When I read the title, I thought, "Has Google come to Chrome just now? Hasn't Google come to Chrome a long time ago? Anyway, what does it mean for Google to come to Chrome?"
But will my like appear on my friend's pages in the "Recommended Pages" section on the right-hand side? For example, it may say
I've tried this New Google Maps but it's slow on my laptop. I've stuck with Classic Google Maps. Anybody else sticking with the Old Google Maps?
Some McDonald's branches in Metro Vancouver, Canada, charge for any vegetable that is not originally included in the burger.
thanks, lrenzi. I no longer have the iPod, but good to hear the jailbreakers are always at work!
How can one create a tracker for a car, say for a concerned parent who wants to make sure the teenage child is following rules?
How I wish full-text search was a feature of Google Chrome and Sign-In-to-Chrome.
Gympact doesn't deal in a lot of money—it's just designed to offer a little financial incentive to get off the couch or eat smarter. The service even now syncs with MyFitnessPal, so users there can trade data back and forth to make sure Pact is properly updated. Hit the link below to read more or give it a try. The…
Bradlee, I use and I recommend to you BananaTag. At most, it'll ask for permission to "View and manage your mail". Maybe not at all.
I've been using the Talkatone app for making calls using my Google Voice number/account. Can I now delete that app and use Google Hangouts? How does the audio quality compare?
I have checking accounts and debit cards with several banks. Some of my banks will charge me a fee to send funds via ACH to another account of mine . Is Square Cash a good way of transferring my money from one bank account of mine into another bank account of mine? Square Cash doesn't charge for sending or receiving.
My Google Maps doesn't have any of the addresses of people in my Google Contacts (https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva…). Is it because I'm using "Classic Google Maps"?
Yeah, how'd TMobile know if I'm using GoogleVoice for free WiFi calls?
Yelp deleted my detailed review of a currency-exchange (foreign exchange) store. I compared it to what has become my go-to place for forex. I gave the rates each store gave. Yelp deleted my review because "of its promotional content." I will never write a review on Yelp again. They don't pay me for my work, and then…